Yosemite Wilderness 2020

6:45am hiking. Right when I was about to go commando to switch from hiking pants to biking pants a tiny car pulls into the parking lot, one spot down from me. Out comes a middle aged woman: “are you already coming back?” I explain my thru hike and car/ bike shuttling. “I’m just going to do a loop.” I thought that meant a day hike. Turns out she meant a 3 night trek of 10 miles a day. Later on the trail she shows me the map of her route. “When you see an area that looks like this,” while pointing at a mix of green, white and blue colors. “Go there,” I finish her thought, Lower Cascades of Chinualna Falls, Wawona, Yosemite National Park, California, June 23, 2020, 06:58