Yosemite Wilderness 2020

Park entrance: got an overnight vehicle permit for the whole period with the wilderness permit and Saturday camping reservation. The fact that I do not have a reservation for Friday was conveniently overlooked. Difficult questions about my lodging for tonight were also avoided. And when the young ranger saw that my permit was for Wawona, she spontaneously declared that as her favorite. So, all in all the check in was a friendly experience and two hurdles have cleared. Finding the trailhead was easy because I hiked the first section to the falls in February. News was that one is not allowed to camp at the trailhead. Yet from February I remembered that a cottage above our 99 has some secluded parking spaces. Ideal for a secret camp. I checked it out again today and indeed that is a possibility. BTW 99 is getting a paint job, Yosemite National Park, California, June 22, 2020, 13:01